Spelling in another language is difficult, and even more so when the language you are learning is not phonetic, like Spanish. Due to its nature, English brings many problems in terms of the correct spelling of words.
Here is a list of words which I have found that students often make mistakes with, in alphabetical order:
- adress = address
- becase = because
- begining = beginning, because of the Consonant Vowel Consonant ending in begin
- belive = believe
- castel = castle
- clases = classes
- clouthes = clothes
- coffe = coffee
- confortable = comfortable
- coutry = country
- diffrent = different
- hollidays = holidays
- intención = intention, or any other word ending in -tion is always as such
- interessting = interesting
- libery = library
- meusem = museum
- mountins = mountains
- neightbour = neighbour
- recive = receive, because I is before E, except after C!
- responsability = responsibility
- resturant = restaurant
- sighseeing = sightseeing
- tipical is always spelt with a 'y' like typical
- tomorrw = tomorrow
- tought = thought or taught
- wheather = weather or whether
- wich = which, or witch, but never wich...unless it's a sandwich!
A good way to remember the spellings of words like thought, taught, brought and bought is that you have a gallina (G), huevo (H) and then a tortilla (T).