
English, as you may have realised, is unlike Spanish in many ways.  One of the main differences it has is that the words you see written are not pronounced in the same way as when you read them.  This, of course, brings many problems, especially when trying to speak English!

Here are some common words that I have found students make errors with pronouncing when speaking in English.  Try to practise these as much as you can, until they become normal for you, remembering the silent letters, where necessary:

  • anger - ANG ER
  • Anglo-Saxon - AN GLO SAX ON
  • cathedral - CA THE DRL
  • chance - CHAR NCE
  • comfortable - COM FT BL
  • crisps - CRI SPS
  • dining - DI NING
  • garden - GAR DEN
  • good - GUD
  • guests - GUE STS
  • hunger - HUN GER
  • ideal - EY DEAL
  • honest - ONEST
  • murderer - MUR DE RA
  • pub - PUB
  • vegetable - VEG T BL
  • would - WOOD

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